Stitching Courses

Beaded Lace work: Best Tailoring Class in Chennai

Lining blouse with designer neck model. Once the neck design completed use the beaded lace. Beaded lace is used for decorating the neck designs

Beaded Lace work: Tailoring Class in Chennai Fashion Institute

Beaded Lace work: Tailoring Class in Chennai Fashion Institute

What is Lace work ?

Lace is a delicate fabric, filigree, usually made of cotton, line, silk or metallic threads to create patterned mesh work.

Beaded lace :

Lace & Beads is the latest fashion and trends in women’s clothing. Specializes in hand dress adorn beautiful, amazing stand .

Patch work :

Patchwork is sewing small pieces of fabric shaped, mixed patterns, colors and textures, all together to make a larger geometric design. Traditionally, this is a form of embroidery that is used to make the quilt, but it is now a popular technique in clothing and interior design.

Beaded Lace work: Sewing Classes in Chennai
Beaded Lace work: Best Tailoring Class in Chennai 5

Patterns :  

Patterns can be one of two things. It either decorative design that repeats over and over the fabric, or it is a flat template, made of paper or card, which is used as a key instruction guide for cutting a separate piece of clothing. pieces that explore patterns to allow the size, seam allowances and fit. They can help tailor calculate the correct amount of fabric and fit it, before the trail and cut out the template on the final fabric.

Tailoring Class in Chennai Fashion Institute
Beaded Lace work: Best Tailoring Class in Chennai 6


This method is suitable for light weight fabrics. After the hem is evened,the raw edge is turned under 1/4, inch and machine stitched close to the folded edge. Then the hem is stitched in place using hemming stitch or slip stitch

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